A continuous-wave laser of high stability is used to calibrate the gain of the streak camera, and a Fabry-Perot etalon is used to calibrate the nonlinearity of the sweeping speed. 利用高稳定度的连续激光来校准扫描相机的增益,采法布里-珀罗标准具对扫速非线性进行了标定。
Low-Pass Spatial Filtering for Continuous-Wave Laser Beam by Transmission Volume Phase Gratings 透射型体相位光栅对连续激光束的空间低通滤波
Experimental Study of Continuous-Wave Mode-Locked Picosecond Yb: LSO Laser 连续锁模皮秒Yb:LSO激光实验研究
A Continuous-Wave 714 W Fiber Laser With China-Made Large-Mode-Area Double-Clad Fiber 采用国产大模场面积双包层光纤的714W连续光纤激光器
A continuous-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy ( CW-CRDS) technique employing a broad-band diode laser is developed for the high reflectivity measurement. The theory of square-wave modulated CW-CRDS is presented. 提出了基于宽谱半导体激光器连续激光光腔衰荡法测量高反射率的方法,给出了方波调制连续激光光腔衰荡法理论。
Continuous-Wave Passively Mode-Locked Diode End-Pumped Nd ∶ YVO_4 Laser with a Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror 半导体可饱和吸收镜连续被动锁模端面抽运Nd∶YVO4激光器
The theoretical analyses have been conducted for heat transfer and mechanics during laser processing of the steel sheets and analytical solutions have been obtained for two-layer sheets with an axial symmetric pulse laser heating or a moving continuous-wave laser heating and with one& dimonsional switch-Q laser heating. 本文对硅钢片的激光加工中的传热过程和力学过程进行了理论分析,并导得了双层材料的二维轴对称脉冲激光加热、连续激光移动热源加热以及调Q激光一维加热问题的解析解。
This paper introduces the characteristics of continuous-wave high-power CO2 laser, and its applications in shipbuilding. 简要介绍了大功率连续CO2激光器的应用和特点,大功率激光焊在造船领域的主要技术和国外应用现状。
Thermal effects in continuous-wave end-pumped Cr ∶ Nd ∶ GSGG laser rod were studied. 对纵向泵浦Cr∶Nd∶GSGG激光棒的热透镜效应进行了详细的理论分析。
Continuous-wave frequency doubling of a tunable CO_2 laser in AgGaSe_2 连续波可调谐CO2激光在AgGaSe2中倍频研究
The High-accuracy Continuous-wave YAG Laser Power 高精度连续波YAG激光电源
Study of High-power Continuous-wave 1.34 μ m Nd ∶ GdVO_4 Laser End-pumped by Laser-diode-array LD抽运高功率连续波1.34μmNd∶GdVO4激光器研究
A two-end pumping high power continuous-wave ( CW) Yb 3+-doped double-clad fiber laser was reported. 报道了双端抽运连续输出的掺Yb3+双包层高功率光纤激光器。
An output power of 340 mW continuous-wave TEM_ ( 00) yellow laser could be obtained with 8 W/ 14 W pump power. 当抽运功率为8W/14W时获得了340mW连续波TEM00黄激光输出。
Owing to their broad wavelength tuning range, continuous-wave dye laser have been widely used in the laser spectroscopy and optical frequency standards, such as the measurement of hyperfine transitions of molecular iodine and Yb optical lattice clocks. 连续波可调谐染料激光器的波长覆盖范围宽,在高分辨激光光谱和光频率标准中有较多应用,例如碘分子超精细光谱、镱原子光钟等。
So far, the research of pulsed Raman laser has become more mature, but the reports of continuous-wave solid-state Raman laser are not many. 到目前为止,脉冲形式的拉曼激光器的研究已经渐趋成熟,然而连续固体拉曼激光器研究的还很少,其中基于受激拉曼散射技术的连续人眼安全全固态激光器还未见报道。
All-solid-state continuous-wave blue lasers have a wide field of applications in high-density optical data storage, biomedicine, high-resolution spectroscopy, laser cooling etc. It is known that atomic clock operating at optical rather than microwave frequencies has higher accuracy and stability. 全固态蓝光激光器在高密度光学数据存储、激光医学、光谱学、吸收成像和激光冷却等领域都有着广泛的应用。
To realize a tunable laser source with ultra-stable frequency and narrow linewidth, we performed systematic investigations on the frequency stabilization of a continuous-wave dye laser. 为获得窄谱、高稳定的可调谐激光,我们对连续波染料激光的频率稳定进行了系统研究。
In the backup Front-end system, a stable, low noise continuous-wave ( CW) laser is needed as the system seed. 在该备用前端系统中,需要稳定、低噪声的连续光激光器作为光源。
In the experiment we measured the SNL by using three kinds of light, and the noise of all-solid-state continuous-wave single-frequency laser and the fiber laser. 在获得了一对平衡的宽带低噪声光电探测器后,实验采用三种光源分别测量了散粒噪声基准,并作出比较;对全固态连续单频激光器、光纤激光器的噪声进行了分析。
Additionally, the measurement schemes of the linewidth of the diode laser by beating frequency, the high reflectivity of the ring cavity mirror by the continuous-wave cavity ring down spectroscopy technique and the Q factor of the ring cavity by phase modulation of laser are detailedly presented. 另外,介绍了拍频测主激光器线宽、连续光腔衰荡技术测环形腔镜的高反射率、激光相位调制法测试环形谐振腔Q值等实验测量方案。
An etalon is inserted into the cavity in order to compress the width of the oscillation signal. Thus, a continuous-wave single-frequency mid-infrared laser output is obtained, which is suitable for high-precision spectroscopy. 通过腔内插入标准具,对腔内振荡的信号光线宽进行压缩,从而实现了连续波单频中红外激光输出。该连续波单频中红外光学参量振荡器可用于高精度的光谱分析。